Fauquier County Public Schools (FCPS): Our Foundation exists to support the school district, and we collaborate with many staff members to follow through on our mission and to help FCPS reach its goals of supporting teachers, students, and families. PATH Foundation: Our relationship began in 2016, when PATH provided a $95,000 grant to remodel and revitalize the Fauquier Outdoor Lab and Environmental Studies Academy. We continue to connect with them on grants to meet targeted needs. The Northern Piedmont Community Foundation (NPCF): In addition to receiving a grant through the Kortlandt Memorial Fund, we have worked with NPCF since 2015 on Give Local Piedmont, an annual one-day online fundraising campaign. Dominion Energy: This partnership led to the creation of the Eyes on Wildlife program with the Smithsonian Institute and the UC Davis-inspired Augmented Reality Tables. Our collaboration resulted in remodeling the Outdoor Lab and Environmental Studies Academy and STEM Summer Camp funding. Marshall Consulting Group: Doug Marshall and his team provide the Foundation with important tax advice and file our 501(c)(3) returns. Their expertise and in-kind support are invaluable to our success. Golf Tournament: Each year the “Superintendent's Scramble” golf tournament brings together local businesses and avid golfers for a day of golf, on-course food and beverages, prizes, and more. We're thankful for our long-term event sponsors, including ABM and Stantec. The Foundation continually seeks mutually beneficial partnerships. Contact us to learn more. |